Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places 就是照他在基督身上,所运行的大能大力,使他从死里复活,叫他在天上坐在自己的右边
THE DEAD FISH HANDSHAKE: a very, very, very soft touch of the interviewer's hand. 死鱼式握手:非常非常非常柔软地与面试者的手接触。
Left his driver's license in the dead guy's hand. 他把驾照留在了一个死人手上。
The dead hand of bureaucracy is exerting its enormous influence on our work. This time the movement will be aimed at three bad styles, bureaucracy, sectarianism and subjectivism. 官僚主义严重地影响了我们的工作。这次整风,就是整顿三风,整顿官僚主义,宗派主义和主观主义。
An idea suddenly took shape in chia-chu's mind: he unwound the red scarf from the dead man's neck and wound it around his own, then snatched the pistol from his hand and ran on. 一个好主意忽然在曾家驹心头展开。他赶快从死人颈间解下那红布条,束在自己颈子上,又从死人手里捞得了那枝手枪,便再向前跑。
One might have thought that figures such as Ford and John D. Rockefeller would have preferred to exercise control from the grave, but the "dead hand" of the donor in the 19th century discredited that approach. 人们或许会认为,像福特和约翰d洛克菲勒(johnd.rockefeller)这样的人物,会喜欢在去世后继续掌控一切,但19世纪“阴魂不散”的捐赠者败坏了这种做法的名声。
In the commercial, an overweight, middle-aged man lies dead on a mortuary trolley with his cold hand still clutching a half-eaten McDonald's hamburger. 在这则广告里,一个肥胖的中年人一动不动地躺在太平间的推车上,而他已冰冷的手里还攥着尚未吃完的麦当劳汉堡。
Our best brains will not work for British banks if they are under the dead hand of the Treasury for too long or if the tax system is skewed against them being rewarded for hard work and success. 如果财政部的不死阴魂管的时间太长或税收体系不利于他们在辛勤工作和成功后得到奖赏,我们的头脑精英将不再为英国银行服务。
The dead hand of bureaucracy is slowing our progress. 官僚主义的流毒拖慢了我们的进步。
The monarchy is a dead hand, and that is bad enough; 君主制是一只死去的手,这本已够糟的了;
As for him whose food is the dust of a dead fire, he has been turned from the way by a twisted mind, so that he is unable to keep himself safe by saying, what I have here in my hand is false. 他以灰为食,心中昏迷,使他偏邪,他不能自救,也不能说,我右手中岂不是有虚谎吗?
First, I need to see his dead body all bloody with one of our soldiers holding up today newspaper in there hand. 第一,我必要在本日的报纸上,看到我们的士兵举起他的血迹斑斑的尸体。
He is trustworthy and I am dead sure he wouldn't hand me a lemon. 他为人可靠,我确信他不会把坏东西给我。
She must have been led, he thought, to his office by the dead hand of Tom. 他想她一定是汤姆的冤鬼作崇把她引到他的办公室来。
If we allow the dead hand of government to continue its way, we will be all miserable. 如果我们仍旧让政府一管就死的手来横行霸道的话,我们的日子就不会好过了。
The government set out to remove the dead hand of the state from economic life. 政府已在着手消除经济领域里的这一痼疾。
On a trip to get ice cream, the Dead Hand Gang assaults Cathy, bloodying her nose. 旅行让冰淇淋,死者的手刚攻击凯蒂,血腥她的鼻子。
He revealed his almighty power in Christ when he raised him from the dead and had him sit at his right hand in heaven. 正如他已将这德能施展在基督身上,使他从死者中复活,叫他在天上坐在自己右边。
They thought their failure was caused by the dead hand of Jack. 他们认为他们的失败是因为杰克的冤魂作祟。
He flopped down on the sand, looking first at the dead fox and her wailing cub and then at the gun in his listless hand. 他颓然坐倒在沙地上。望了望那只死狐和它的不断哀鸣的小崽,又望了望手中往下垂落的猎枪。
His boy was dead, slain by the hand of the false Amulius. 他的儿子被奸诈的阿缪利乌斯杀死了。
Botched privatisations in Eastern Europe and Russia are a good example it may have been better to leave enterprises in the dead hand of the government, rather than sell them off in a flawed process. 东欧和俄罗斯拙劣的私有化就是一个很好的例子:也许,让国有企业在政府手里死掉,也好过通过有瑕疵的程序来出售它们。
Well-known ice pretty woman in the mafia, is creature also cripple the dead on her hand. 黑道里有名的冰仙子,也是残死在她的手上呢。
But it's a dead hand that could dangerously come alive. 然而,危险的是,这只死手有可能复活。
Because the bull, by its nature, refuses to give in to death until it is in fact dead under the hand of the matador, it must remain a fighting bull. 因为公牛,出于天性会宁死不屈,它必定仍会保持是头好斗的牛,直到它真丧死在斗牛士手中。
We can regard abnormal worlds as dead points but on the other hand we can use a constructive way to prove that they're not dead points. 而且对于非正规世界,我们一方面可以把它们理解成死点,但另一方面我们也可以通过构造性的方法证明其不是死点。
As to the social regulation and control of the urban lower society, on the one hand they inherit the legacy of Chinese feudalism; on the other hand they rub up the dead hand of western fascism. 在对城市下层社会的社会调控方面,他们一方面继承了中国封建主义的衣钵,一方面又糅和了西方法西斯主义的流毒,成为封建的法西斯主义。